Friday, May 1, 2009

Happy Workers' Day!

Fri 010509

Yup, here's wishing everyone, esp those who are still working, a very Happy Workers' Day (Hari Pekerja or aka Labour Day) today!! Also good wishes to all for a great holiday...maybe a day of well-earned rest?

And yup, me was still up when 1st May arrived...and was still awake up till 1am +!

Waiting to usher in the special holiday? Seriously? You think so? Sorry to disappoint you but Nope. Me still up cos me itching fingers tried to do something to a program in my still "new" lappy!!

Yup, I discovered that my pre-installed Nero 7 software could be updated to a later improved version. So, being the "up2date" freak I sometimes turn out to be, I followed the steps in the program to do exactly that. Step by step. I was informed by dialogue boxes that popped up that the existing program had to be removed before a new version could be installed. On clicking "Ok" , the process continued. Removal went well. The lappy was rebooted in the process. Then the download of the files for the new version started.

Now the problem (& headache & worries...) appeared. The download was really, really, very, very slow...and that is NO exaggeration! Less than 10kB/s...most of the time it was a mere 1-2 kB/s only! 6 hours later, it reached a download of a bit past 100 MB of files out of a total of 300+ MB!

As it was late then, me had to take up the lappy to our bedroom...can't leave it alone in the hall, right? A new lappy? No la...hehe...

That was when the problem worsened! On reaching the room, I checked & found that there was no more incoming bytes. Yup, the downloading kinda stopped. Hey! My lappy was on wireless Internet connection! Could such a phenomenon happen to a wireless setup? Didn't know it could till now...

I tried whatever method I could think of to regain the download...finally even to the extent of re-starting the lappy. Alas, all was in vain... There was no way to resume the auto-download process. All the steps to update were automatic...self-initiated.

To cut a long story of a very strenuous road to recovery short, I was lucky to have asked for during our dinner out period earlier (in anticipation of problems arising) & thanks to 1 kind comp shop owner, me got an old but working OEM disc of Nero 7 Essentials for FREE (Believe it!) !! That saved the day...finally! Phew.
Thanks a meg, Mr T @Sentosa!! My lappy is whole again! Cheers!

Finally me could go to bed. Time was past 1am on May 1st. What a way to start off the special day...truly it was gonna be a day of rest...besides keying in this special post now...hehe...

Thank God there's a happy ending...

Happy Workers' Day!!

ps. A little advice? Like mechanics used to advise me...
"Don't touch what is not broken..."
In this case, don't touch anything that is working fine. In other words, pls do not be "greedy" like me. Easier said than done, right? Me, a preacher who cannot follow what he preaches? Ha ha!

As in what my other half told me...
"As long as you can accept the consequences of your actions & can shoulder the responsibility of the outcome, ok lo... "
Feel that's fair enough...don't you agree?

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