Thu 140509
Yup, Updates are like never-ending. Nope, I do NOT mean updates in Blogs, Facebook, Forums, etc.
I mean Updates to our daily "necessity"...yup, our very own Personal Computer or PC! This lappy is like my 6th PC ( or maybe 7th?) and I fear to realise that I'm becoming a kinda "Update Freak", so to say...
Do you realise that whatever OS (Operating System), programs & the like that come installed in our PCs or those that we ourselves installed, never stay the same? OSes change (eg fr DOS to Windows 95...recently to Vista & soon to Windows 7!) and programs come & go eg Wordstar ( Now what is or rather was that?). Frankly everything in computers evolve...changes...even the same program! Eg the OS Windows you know how many updates to it have been made since its release? SP1 has been released & SP2 Beta is under processing & would be released soon.
So, how many of you do keep up with all these changes...all these updates? Do you set your PC OS to auto-update itself? Of course, if your OS is not an original/genuine or licenced copy, you cannot do that...and your OS would be kinda out-of-date now!!
The same goes for all the bits & pieces that keep your PC working. One aspect of interest would be the "Drivers" of the various hardware installed in your PC. Do you realise that the manufacturers of all the devices do update their software in order to overcome bugs, problems encountered when users are confronted with them, reported them & action taken? Yup, in the PC industry, nothing truly stagnates. It's an on-going process...esp so when the device is new in the market. The updates usually stop when a new version of that device is offered. Then the updates for that new replacement starts...
Fyi, since I bought this HP lappy, I've discovered that practically every driver installed in it has an update...a newer version of the same device driver! And my lappy was shipped only in March 2009! Luckily for me, HP has its own software update & download section in its website. Even then there are so many different devices for different models. If you ask me, it's no easy task to find out which is installed in which model!
What happens if you don't update all those software as & when the updates become available?
Well, in simple terms, you probably might encounter problems as you continue to use your PC without those released updates. However, you might say that you've been using your PC as such for years and have had no problems. What I can say is that you have probably only been using your PC for its minimum about trying to use most, if not all, of its features? Then you can send in a second comment. Ha ha!
OSes which are not updated at all, are exposed to all kinds of vulnerabilities. Do go read all about them in Microsoft's own webpages...too many to mention here. However, if you do not have a genuine OS which you can update FOC & easily, advice is that you should have a good Internet Security and /or Anti-Virus software installed, not forgetting a good Firewall setup...and do scan your PC's HDD regularly.
What can I say? Using original, genuine software provides one with all the security & peace of mind in our use of PCs...but how many can afford to buy such original genuine items? I purchased my genuine OEM copy of Win XP for over RM300! But I must say that I have had peace of mind for years now. Such a single licence of Win Vista Ultimate ( I am told) costs over RM700! The Vista Home Premium was offered at one time for about RM320+. A similar "pirated" copy of either one (updated with SP1) is available for a mere RM13!! Maybe even for less? With no update support, of course!
Now which would you, a home user, prefer? YOU tell me...
ps. Pls understand that I do not condone Piracy of software. However, one has to look at the ordinary guy-in-the-street...his income & his priorities. At the same time, he needs to keep up with the rest of the developing world. Also he needs to provide for his kids' education & the use of a PC is no luxury but a necessity these days. Now how's he gonna do all that? Can he afford to pay for each & every single software he needs to use in his or family PC?
Of course, there are alternatives, too...freeware! Now that's another story...
The Year That Was
Dear everyone,
I know, I know, I've been very bad. Haven't posted anything since August.
But life has been ridiculously busy with so many different projec...
12 years ago
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