Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My lappy has a new skin!

Wed 060509

Yup, my "new" lappy now has a chameleon-like has just changed its "skin"!

Nope, it didn't happen overnight nor just like a chameleon. How then?

There was a small PC Fair @Star Parade here recently...think it was only a 4-day affair organised by tenants of the Mall. There was this one accessory that caught me eye. Professional Laptop Skins made of vinyl with a matte surface print. Original price @ RM28. Now on offer @only RM12. A bargain, right? A multitude to choose from. Finally I decided on one that didn't look too "garang" ( in Malay ). Frankly, I was very tempted to get one with the insignia of my childhood hero though...yup, it's the "Superman" one! Ha ha!

The lappy came with a translucent plastic protective sheet, with a square hole in the centre to show off the Compaq logo. Sad to say, that protective sheet has been peeling off bit by bit and only about half of it would stay stuck on these last few days!

So this morning, me decided it was time to pluck up enough courage to carry out a transformation. Yup, that new Laptop Skin that was bought (but was still in cold storage) was calling out so loudly..." Use me...Use me! "

And so it was...
Above pics show my lappy with its new skin! Looks great, doesn't it? To me, it's now very own lappy with its very own skin. And yup, my very own RR!!

And that's one very happy lappy...and a very happy owner, too!

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