Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day of sadness...

Thur 140110

Yup, Wed 130110 was to be remembered with sadness. Remember my entries earlier about my friend & ex-colleague, Mr L?

And yup, for a few days, there was a general feeling of hope with the fast flow of procedures to investigate the possibility, location & seriousness of the unwelcomed "growth" in his brain. All his friends & former collleagues contributed in providing whatever moral support & encouragement for a good prognosis.

Mr L went for consultation with a neurosurgeon on Tues 120110 and decision to operate the very next morning to remove the "growth" was made. To everyone, that was good progress as the neurosurgeon was confident of what he could do.

The removal of the "growth" was successful. However, simultaneous investigation of the "growth" confirmed that it was malignant and a localised chemo was applied.

That was the sad news that nobody wished for...nor even wanted to think about...although there was that inescapable possibility, namely the 50-50 possibility that any growth might be malignant.

On behalf of all his friends & former colleagues, I sincerely wish him a speedy recovery from the open brain surgery (he's in ICU now) and that all future treatments, as prescribed, would be effective in eradicating the malignant cells that might be left behind or at least in controlling their growth & spread.

And I could not agree more with what his daughter had written in an email to me...

"whatever the prognosis, I am determined to help my father have the best quality of life in whatever time he has with us. I trust you agree too and will not be too focussed on the length but on the quality, which is a lot more meaningful."

Yup, CW, that really touched my heart...where it really matters...

And yup, I do believe strongly in that view & especially more so now. Honestly I've even told my other half that I would not want to spend all the unnecessary time in hospitals should I become such a patient. I would prefer to spend whatever time I might have left with her, doing the things I enjoy most, etc., etc., with her by my side. Simply put...quality & value time...happy time! Not to end my life worrying about the inevitable...true?

As one of my friends & former colleague wrote me in an sms.... "That is Life..."

And, believe it or not, that is the answer to a question that I've repeatedly asked my other half from time to time... "What is Life?"

Anyway, pls do not let the sombre thoughts & words above spoil your day...just an ole man's rantings...

If you're young, feel young! If you're old, enjoy the moment...there is only ONE life!

Have a good weekend, everyone! Life is short...Oops, sorry about that...haha!

UPDATE ... 18 Jan pic :

Here's pic of staples at location of surgery carried out on our friend...taken just b4 discharge from hospital :

Very well done, huh?

Our hopes & prayers go out to Mr L & family for his speedy recovery!

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