Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Views (3)...

Tue 151209

Yup, guess what? There is another letter to the Views pages in The Star today in the continuing "debate" over pensioners & their remuneration...and, of course, their problems, namely financial welfare.

Well, this writer (now writer #4) whose letter was published today, had also responded to writer #1 (pls check out my 1st entry entitled "Views..." ) who had voiced, according to this writer... that

"Logically, it is true that a person should not expect anything if he is not contributing to society."
However, writer #4 also clarified that

"Retirees deserve the right to receive benefits like pension because they already contributed to society."
All pensioners thank you, writer #4!!

A good point brought up by writer #4 is this...

"I can't imagine the chain reaction that would be created if our Govt stops paying pension to all retirees. This move will definitely increase our poverty statistics."
And the part I could not agree more was where our "friend" wrote that

"The writer (writer #1) also said that retirees should depend on their children and not the Govt."
And then followed by...

"How sure is the writer that all children will help their parents?"
Personally & frankly, I could not agree more because I happened to be one of those retirees whose son (that "S", remember?) had not contributed a single sen to help his parents except for that one time when I put it to him in a very very nice way that he should give his mother at least something every month. He did. RM50. Only ONCE. That's it! Period!!

And that was years & years ago. Only God knows when...

After that it was me, time after time again, who gave to him...not wanna go into details here. Enough had been said in my past entries.

Such children feel that they & only they have expenses...that only they have to pay for this & that in their lives BUT their parents can just continue to live on (like in an idiom...) purely "fresh air and sunshine"! Their parents' everything can perpetually last like forever, not needing maintenance, replacement, etc., etc.

How parents wish all that were true...

Sincere apologies for side-tracking...

To continue...

In his concluding paragraphs, writer #4 made my day! He wrote clearly & simply...that
"They (retirees/pensioners) should be enjoying their lives, after many years of contributing to society....They deserve to be rewarded."
Thank you...thank you...thank you very much, on behalf of all retirees / pensioners...

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