Saturday, October 17, 2009

The long frustrating and unrewarding road of a loving father...Part 3a.

Sat 171009

I know...I know...I did mention that Part 3 would be delayed...

However, KL & fmly's departure & arrival had been me thought it would be just great (& enjoyable for you guys to read on this holiday...if you have nothing better to do?) if I could use the extra time I now have to relate a couple of interesting related incidents to the topic.

Yup, be the judge tho...ok?

Incident #1:

One day in the past...both my other half & me made an unannounced trip to Penang. We were enjoying our walk-walk session in Gurney Plaza when a call came through on my hp. It appeared to be from that "S"'s wife. But the voice at the other end was NOT! It was from that "S"'s son.

I was asked by the small boy if I could come over to his home to settle a problem he was having with his mum. It appeared that the mother thought we were in A/S...too far away to be of any help to the poor boy!

It was a true great surprise when both of us showed up at their flat to answer to the boy's call for help!! Was she well & truly shocked to see us when she answered the door!!

God does work in mysterious ways...don't you agree?

Incident #2 :

This was related to us by that "S" himself....

It appeared that there was this time when that "S" (& maybe the other half, too?) was having a problem with the same son. This time around, that "S" threatened to open their car door and let the son out of the punishment!
(NB. Imagine a father threatening that to his own son who was then just a small wonder that "S" could also threaten his own father so....)

Can you guess what & how that son answered his his tender pre-school age? To quote...
"Let me call my 'Kong Kong' first! Then you can let me out of the car."
I was so touched then when I heard abt the incident. However, I decided to sacrifice my feelings for the small boy who had felt that his grandpa was the only person he knew who could save him...each & every time he was threatened by his parents...

From that time on, I told my other half that both of us must sacrifice ourselves for the future of this dear pitiful boy or else he would grow up so disconnected from and hating his parents...only knowing that his grandparents were the only ones who loved him!

So, from that day, we cut down our visits & time with our grandson...not matter how much such a sacrifice hurt us deep inside. It was for the long term good. We felt a son must somehow bond with and accept his parents no matter how his parents had treated him...they were his parents, good or bad... like them or not!

As often repeated, we cannot choose our parents nor can parents choose their children. Agreed?

There is a good ending to Incident #2 because we could see later that the small boy had finally accepted his parents for what they are....his parents! And that meant all our sacrifices were not in vain. Thank God for that...

Well, those were only 2 of many other incidents of relevance to this issue.

TQ for reading this far. And that's about it for now...Part 3b will have to been after KL & fmly have gone home and me fully recovered...haha!

Selamat Hari Deepavali again to one & all!

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