Thu 11th June 2009
Just a round-up of a seemingly "uneventful" 4 days that had passed by...since June 6th...
7th June : Another power failure during the night! Fortunately it was not that bad...considerably shorter duration. Just an hour or so. Phew! And luckily for inmates of Lot 10 OFH, the emergency lamps held on till power was restored. And luckily cooled down our master bedroom earlier in anticipation of that possibility. And it helped! The room was reasonably cool throughout the power out period. No sauna session. Ha ha!
8th June : There was a split second or so of an impending power failure in the morning! However, it didn't materialise...which was great! Maybe a way of saying "Adios"? Hopefully it'll be a long while before another June 6th "disaster" happens...
9th June (1) : Re-painted (actually touched up...) various parts of the frontal wall of Lot 10 with leftover ICI Weathershield white paint. Now ppl passing by Lot 10 can see a brighter & lit up "face". Last paint job was when me retired. That was almost 9 years ago. A full re-paint job then. Great lasting paint. Proven. Wonder how much is a tin of 5L was almost RM100 that time.
9th June (2) : The greatest disappointment in the Tan family was brought up for debate. Yup, the Father-Son issue. 15 months+ have come & passed. What had not happened has proven how true wise sayings of old are. Sayings like " Water never flows upstream in a river ", " A son is a son only before he takes a wife " and quotes like " when one becomes a somebody, one forgets one's past or one's roots" or "Fame & fortune can go to one's head, making one forget how he could have got them without the support he had in all the years he was down..." Who was there for him when he needed support most? And what is a father when he is old & not needed anymore? Just an old man " who makes his children's life miserable " said that son. Can't be? Don't believe so? Believe it! That was a true quote. And I have that in black & proof. Lucky me.
My that prodigal son? That son is also a father now himself. So, son...NEVER grow old, ok? Now only God can help him back onto the right path & salvation...Amen.
10th June : Real quiet day. PEACE after the "storm". Good for the soul.
11th June : Today. Me about to take breakfast. What else? Good wholesome nutritious Gardenia Breakthru bread! We thank God for what we are about to receive. And another bonus day. Bye...
The Year That Was
Dear everyone,
I know, I know, I've been very bad. Haven't posted anything since August.
But life has been ridiculously busy with so many different projec...
12 years ago
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