Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day, The day after

Mon 220609

See? What did I tell you? Any day can be Father's Day...even today...if one has one's father in one's heart! If & when you do think of your dad & have him in your heart, that day IS Father's Day to you & to your dad. Isn't that so?

Days come & matter what we do or try to do. But nice memories, thoughts & feelings never go away...they'll always be there, in our minds & in our hearts. Try it & you'd be pleasantly surprised...

So, how was my Father's Day?

Well, surprises of surprises! KL, my fav grandaughter, came all the way from Taiping to share this special day with her ole grandpa. But with a great difference! She came only with her mom!! Owing to an impending event, KL's dad could not make it. However, my ever-loving daughter did NOT make that an obstacle to enable KL ( and, of course, her own self!) from having some value time with her grandpa (KL's mom's dad la!). So EL, with KL in tow, made her first "adventure" trip to A/Star, driving her Avanza! Now, that's an achievement both mother & child can be proud of!! Congrats to both KLs...

There were no grand celebrations. Me had never been in favour of such extravanganza. What I've always looked for is pure sincerity of heart & actions, not in the monetary value.

They arrived in the late afternoon on Fri. In the evening, we went to KL's fav haunt. Yup, Tesco lo...hehe...You should see how KL's face lit up & her instantaneous wild happy response when she saw the Tesco sign on the building! And dinner was at KFC there, too! KL enjoyed her meal of mashed potato & bun.

See? In pic above? Pure concentration towards what was on her plate...hehe...

And here's a bonus for all ye KL fans...hehe...

Yup, a pic of KL enjoying vids being played in my laptop...

And yup, KL never fails to enjoy vids of Barney & those that I've taken of her with my trusty N73.

As always, all good things had to come to an end. KL & mom left for Taiping after late breakfast on Sun. Well, as a daughter-in-law, one also has to consider the other family that one has married into. Fair is Fair. We, as parents, had always taught both our kids to show love & respect for their In-Laws as well as their own parents cos we believe that by so doing, it would hopefully rub off onto the other half...if you know what I mean. Agreed?

Most important of all was that, during all that time that was spent together, there was not the slightest hint nor any indication that my daughter is an was simply just a family spending value time happily together as one family!

Another surprise of surprises was in store for me! My other half had my fav snacks ready for this special day! One was as a present on Father's Day (a packet of roasted cashew nuts)...the other was for my enjoyment that day itself (1kg of my fav yellow fruits). Simple tokens but really great for the spirit & the soul. Thanks a meg, my dearest B...!!

And to add our own mark to the day, we had lunch at WTG @ AS Mall...nothing grand as always but when 2 hearts are together as one, that's the best feeling & celebration that one can ever have! Don't you agree?

It would have been dinner if we had not had one particular event scheduled for the evening ... one that we had always shared together whenever it took place. Yup, our fav F1 GP race. Live!

And finally, the evening ended wonderfully...we were ONE!

Well, how was your Father's Day? Sincerely hope that yours was as meaningful as mine was.

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