Monday, March 16, 2009

Parental love & care...

Mon 160309

Feeding time! Yup, me was lucky this morning to chance upon the parents of the young birds growing in the nest among our bamboo tree branches. Pls see my entry of yesterday...

And yup, 2 adult birds were flying up & down in the direction of the nest. The moment they noticed me (esp when I moved...), they flew up to the roof of the neighbouring house. So me waited patiently...hardly moving then...

And my patience was rewarded! Below are pics I managed to snap of the birds bringing food in their beaks for their young...

The couple...way up high on the roof of my neighbour's step nearer & closer...still cautious...on the air-con external unit of my neighbour.

And finally, on the swing next to the bamboo trees...

And still closer...can you see the bird in the marked inserted red rectangular box?

Yup, the above (last) pic was the nearest snapshot me could get! Phew!

There were 2 of them but pls don't ask me which was which...the dad or the mom? No way me could make out either one...haha!
So sorry but it was impossible for me to snap a pic of either bird feeding its brood in the nest...

Well, that was my accomplishment for the morning. A good start for the new week ahead.

Time for breakfast now...hehe...

But before I go, here's a bit of good news! My complaints to Maxis custcare line appeared to have bore fruit. Yup, I can now access all 3 channels of my subscribed base pack of the Astro Mobile TV on my hp. However, the AEC channel is NOT the same as the one on our Astro TV & it appears to be a repetitive transmission! I accessed it last night, this morning and just now...guess what? I kept on getting the same show!! So far the CNN channel is the only one worth the while to access & watch... a few mins delayed but the same as on the real Astro CNN!


UPDATE on 170309 @09:10am : A better pic of the parents "snapped" on their visit this morning...sincere apologies tho coz this is the best me could do with my N73 hp cam with full zoom.@11:20am : And the "babies" now...

My! How they've grown...lots of feathers now! Soon they'll be saying, " I can fly...I can fly..."

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