Sunday, March 22, 2009

A fair weekend...

Sun 220309

Well, this time around, my "rollercoaster" ride in Life is ok lo...kinda smooth but with tiny ripples here & there. No dives, thankfully!

Yup, COD passed by pleasantly...ending with "The Day The Earth Stood Still" in Cine Nite session.

However, a little ripple appeared. Our Astro decoder started "spluttering" upon re-starting after it was switched off for the night before. 4 dashes blinking with nothing else! Nothing much was made of it till me decided to test if it was a fault or just a freak operational malady. And yup, it was a fault! There was no sign of any life in it whenever it was switched on. After numerous attempts at reviving it failed, me gave up & just left it be.

Wonder of was up & going by itself after about 3 hrs! Like nothing ever happened! That was when curiosity really sort of killed the cat! Me intentionally switched it off. It was DEAD again! Left it alone and it sprung back to life in slightly more than 2 hours! Haunted? Nope. Something must be wrong with the power supply circuit.

2 options became apparent. One is to report its failure to Astro & get a replacement new unit (now a locally-made one...smaller in size, too!) @ RM76 on offer but the existing unit has to be surrendered to Astro. The other is to have it repaired ie if the cost of repair is less than a replacement least we are not saddled with a locally manufactured unit...of which I have my doubts of its quality.

So this morning, an enquiry was made at the nearest Astro agent. A repair of the power supply system would cost RM65. It was therefore decided to give the repair option a go. If it does NOT turn out fine, then we'd opt for the replacement. Well, let's see how it is & will be when we get it back later this afternoon...

Now for some good news. Our little feathered friends in the nest are almost fully grown now. Fully feathered. Kinda blurry pic of them in the nest...

During my later peeping interference, the 2 baby birds literally "flew" out of their nest! But because they were not that strong yet, they landed just a short distance away on our porch floor. Here is one of them...

The other was stronger, landed further away and when checked later, it was gone...good for him/her! Merdeka!

Well, me had to help the weaker one back into its nest & hopefully, its parents would nurse it till its strong enough to join its sibling soon. At the time of writing this, it's still in its nest and its parents are still around...

Our new collection of indoor "air purifiers" had a new addition. A Dracaena plant, if not wrong, aka a Warneckei plant...Dracaena Deremensis, according to my Google results. It replaced the vase of "money" plants which were subsequently moved to another location.

The Warneckei...Btw, the pot decor is my very own...hehe...unique, ain't it? Ha ha!

Have a great new week ahead, ok? Me? Thankful to have had another bonus week...

UPDATE @ 6:20pm :
1. The Nest : Just a while earlier, it was noticed that our porch suddenly had an uncanny silence. No more chirping nor any kind of bird sounds. The parent birds were mysteriously missing. Once again curiosity got the better of me...I took another peep. Guess what? What me saw was just an empty nest! No more baby birds. Not even a feather!

Pic shows the empty removed from within the bamboo plant.

Guess our "babies" have finally grown up, flew away & left the nest...Good for them! Have a great life, guys!

2. Our Astro decoder was collected just before 5pm. And, when tested at the shop, it was working fine again! The display lit up on connection to a power supply socket and reception was smooth. RM65 changed hands & our unit was soon back in its ole location...ready to serve the inmates of Lot 10 OFH. And it's playing its role just fine...entertaining these 2 ole nothing ever happened to it! Tested switching it on & off a couple of times. No prob. Phew!

So another not so good day ended well & fine. Like the saying goes...all that's well that ends well...or something like that...hehe....

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