Yup, attention is now shifted to the flora around Lot 10 OFH...kinda improving the greenery within the premises and hopefully, also improving the "quality" of the air in it...
Yup, a little curiosity & inquisitiveness brought all that about...instead of having artificial plants & flowers around, it was felt that Lot 10 would be lots more "cool" & natural with REAL plants!
For a change, our vase of artificial "roses" were replaced by this...
Now, don't you agree that that looks so much better? Yup, using the same vase, we put in a bunch of "Money" plants...hehe...the variegated leaves do give some colour & contrast, right?
The next step. Yup, it was recently reported in a local newspaper article (me also did some checking around in the Net...) that certain plants do have special properties eg some do act as "air purifiers" ie they are able to remove certain pollutants/toxic gases from the air around us. And that is according to a research done by NASA...not some grandmother's story! In fact there are 10 such plants that are in the so-called Top Ten.
Quote :
NASA and the Associated Landscape Contractors of America (ALCA) have announced the findings of a 2-year study that suggest a sophisticated pollution-absorbing device: the common indoor plant may provide a natural way of helping combat “SICK BUILDING SYNDROME”.
One of them is the Sansevieria plant aka Snake Plant or Mother-in-law's Tongue. And so it was that the hunt was on...
Yup, we found a few nice samples of the Sansevieria plant at a nearby plant nursery...we bought a couple and they were potted accordingly...
This was the larger of the two that we bought. RM12 & the pot also for RM12. Nice?
Placed at the entrance to our lounge area.This is the 2nd plant. Found a suitable corner for it in our kitchen. Hopefully it will clear whatever toxic fumes that may pollute our chef's domain...and keep our food "clean"? Ha ha!
Finally one other important location in Lot 10...yup, our sleeping quarters! Our master bedroom. Yup, we got one Sansevieria to keep our room air "pure"...hehe...in a special pot, too! A look-alike gunny sack? From our local Giant hypermarket.Placed right behind our heads on our bed's headboard top, it should "filter" & "purify" whatever air that is within inhaling distance, right?
Well, there are 9 other types of plants recommended by NASA (Do a Google for it if you are interested). To save you a bit of bother, below is the list of the best air cleaning plants as determined by NASA.
(You can also check out these links : http://www.zone10.com/tech/NASA/Fyh.htm or http://www.humeseeds.com/purify.htm ).
These plants remove formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide from the air.Common Name --- Scientific Name
Bamboo Palm --- Chamaedorea Seifritzii
Chinese Evergreen ---Aglaonema Modestum
English Ivy --- Hedera Helix
Gerbera Daisy --- Gerbera Jamesonii
Janet Craig --- Dracaena "Janet Craig"
Marginata --- Dracaena Marginata
Mass cane/Corn Plant --- Dracaena Massangeana
Mother-in-Law's Tongue --- Sansevieria Laurentii
Pot Mum --- Chrysantheium morifolium
Peace Lily --- Spathiphyllum "Mauna Loa"
Warneckii --- Dracaena "Warneckii"
However, to my knowledge, the Sansevieria is by far the easiest obtainable, cheapest & a plant that needs the least care with minimal sunlight, too!! What more can a lazy guy like me with "intro AD" ask for?
NASA's recommendation is roughly one 6 inch plant for 100 sq ft of interior space OR 15 to 18 good-sized houseplants in an 1,800-square-foot home. Maybe me should look around for the other 9 types of plants. Can't have a house full of only Sansevieria, correct? Would be monotonous & yu-kno-wat!
So, when are you gonna "purify" the air in your own home?
UPDATE @ 2:45pm : These itchy and, hopefully green fingers, just couldn't stay still after making the above entry! The mind worked... & worked...and so did the fingers. Ha ha! 2 small Lady Palms that were growing so slowly in a rather huge pot outside in our porch, looked kinda miniature in their huge pot.
And so it was decided to re-pot / transplant them into 2 separate pots...
Now, don't they look better & more "comfy" in their own smaller-sized pots?
Only hope that whatever damage done to the root system during the re-potting process, would not harm the plant proper. Only time can tell...
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