Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The "Culprit"...The Cause...

Wed 240310

Yup, the "culprit"...the cause of it all! And yup, I mean the cause of the flash floods that our area had been having since almost 2 years ago!!

That part of the big drain (in front of Lot 10 OFH) that leads out to the main road (Lencongan Barat) is so badly blocked! Not only by rubbish BUT by a long collapsed section of the drain in front of the houses alongside the road leading out to the main road!

Here are a couple of pics me took with my iPhone show you how bad the situation has been and still is now... See? The first pic shows the start of the collapsed drain wall while the next pic shows the stretch of the collapsed (non-existent now) drain. There is now practically NO drain at all at that stretch of what was supposedly the drain leading all the water flow out to the main road! So after a downpour, where can all the rain water in the area flow out to? Nowhere, right?

Now, how did the condition deteriorate until to this extent? Only God knows...

We did ask the residents of the house where that section was located and their answer was that they did inform MPKS (our local "city"...council) some time back...even handing over pics which they had taken of the problematic stretch! However, there was no action taken!

Owing to that mess, each time it rained heavily for about 30 mins or so, the area would be flooded with the flash flood waters entering our porches! A couple more inches and the waters would be in our living room! No joke! And the rainy season is now just round the corner, right?

Anyone of you out there has any suggestions as to what would help our area? A few of us felt that only publicising the problem in the media would be the only solution that would result in affirmative action. One resident in the area even told us that he had brought the head of MPKS (probably the officer-in-charge) a couple of times to see the problematic drain but nothing had come out of it!

So what can lil ole me do now but cry out for HELP, please....some kind soul?

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