Monday, March 8, 2010

Ahmad's Day Out!

Mon 080310

Yup, yesterday, Sun 070310, was "Ahmad's Day Out"...from now onwards to be referred to as contrast to COD or "Chef's Off Day"!

And yup, it's actually the same the Tan Family terminology...haha!

Well, both inmates of Lot 10 OFH had the day out as in the familiar CODs. Breakfast was in, though. Other meals, namely lunch & dinner, were out.

Walk-walk sessions were at both the local Giant & Tesco...Giant after lunch and Tesco before dinner. Stocking up of our RO water & fresh milk supply was done, with a few other items thrown in.

However, a few items for lil ole me were kinda "tossed" in, partly due to the "need" factor! One such item was a new Black ink cartridge for my Canon printer...managed to find one shop still selling it at the ole price...couldn't find even any at Tesco, Giant nor another shop in City Plaza.

And best of all, after leaving that shop @PSK area, one Maxis shop (in the same block) caught my eye! I decided to make an attempt to get an In-Car Charger unit for my reasonably new "baby". Me had almost bought a USB car cigarette lighter converter at Giant & would use it in conjunction with the orig USB data cable, but had then been "advised", by my other half, to try to get a complete set instead, before doing so.

Just imagine how happy me am now because me had taken her advice...

Yup, this Maxis shop had 2 units of an Apple officially recommended set that came with both the cigarette lighter USB converter c/w 2 USB ports and one data cable! Price? RM70 after discount.
Looks kinda classy & good, right? Worth the investment?

Me thought so...and so did my other half!

The black-coloured cigarette lighter converter unit @ Giant, would have cost me about RM13 and a separate data cable (white) for about RM45...a total of RM58. So for abt RM12 more, me got a great looking all-white Apple-approved matching quality set!

Yup, definitely worth it! After all, how many such sets would one ever buy, right?

Now, me not need to worry about running out of juice for my iPhone anywhere..wherever I may my ole junk, of course!

Today is just another day. But still a bonus day!

And we do sincerely thank God for all the bonus days that we had received so far...and with God's blessings, many more to come...

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