Monday, June 16, 2008

Time for reflections...

16th June 2008 - The day after...

Yup, Father's Day 2008 has come & gone. How was yours? If you are a father. Sincerely hope the day was good & spent with yr family and with yr own kids making it a special day for you.

Mine? For once, the old adage of a couple growing old and that of all their children having left the nest, leaving the old couple all alone...has proven true...for me & my other half, that is. Yup, me used to hear old ppl saying that no matter how many children one might have, it would finally end up just the two old folks. Now me truly know the meaning of it all. Life is what it is. . . whatever will be, will be...

Yup, Father's Day 2008 for me ended up with my other half spending her time with me and treating me to a sp breakfast and my fav sate dinner! Just the 2 of us. Cosy, loving and bringing back memories of times we used to spend together when there was only the 2 of is now....still the 2 of us! Ha ha!

For reasons of their own, both our kids could not make it home this time around. As me told my daughter,
"...any day a child thinks of his/her father with love & respect in his/her heart, that day (any day, for that matter...) IS Father's Day!! Not just that 1 day in a year called 'Father's Day'..."

(NB. My daughter would be spending her own Father's Day with us next weekend...due2 a miscalculation. . . & of course, no access to the mass media - a characteristic so prevalent in the lives of most of the youths of today. Apologies accepted. )

Nowadays there are lots of reasons why grown-up & working children are unable to find time to spend with their aged parents. Even on sp days like Father's or Mother's Day. Reasons may include :
1. they now have kids of their own & their own kids want to celebrate the day with them...cos they are now also a father or a mother (thought they should remember their own father & show a good example to their kids? Not that their fathers stop existing when they have their own kids?);
2. they are so busy that they do not have time for their own activities or to spend with their own families. So how can they find nor have time to spend with their ole parents?
3. Spend time with their parents? fun wan...hehe...better to spend time with wife and own kids!
4. Jealousy of spouse. Jealousy looms its ugly head when one tries to spend time with parents. I have told my kids to show their love for their parents...both parents. Be fair. Coz they have parents and so do their other halfs. However, one can only tell...the efforts have to be theirs...
5. worst of all reasons...Parents? Who or what are they? I don't owe them anything! They gave birth to me, so they have to provide for me. Their responsibility & duty. Now I have my own family to care for...

Well, above are just a few of the probable reasons. The list is long...maybe you can add to them?

Whatever the reason may be, one must never forget that, esp if one is a parent now & have one's own kids, that Life is a cycle. And, with that, I leave you to look into what that really means...if you can find the time. Otherwise the time will come in time & you will find it out the hard way...hehe....your choice!

All in all, another time immemorial saying that has been repeated umpteen tells us that most parents have 1 hope & wish in their golden years, namely that they would be blessed with at least one child who truly & sincerely loves them deep within his/her heart! One such child would be blessing enough...more would mean God truly loves them! Or maybe credit carried over from their past lives? Probably 1 of the reasons why, in the olden days, many couples had more than 2 kids. Maybe thanks to NO family planning help? Kinda too late for most of us now, right?

May you be so blessed...

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