Monday, June 30, 2008

Terminal symptoms that weren't...

Monday 30th June 2008

Nope, the above title has nothing whatsoever to do with any human happy to say so...haha!

It's my ageing TV....a Philips Matchline. It started months ago with a "folding" upper section of its display...everyone on TV became kinda descendents of ET! You know la...with a flattened head...haha!

This was followed recently by the sudden appearance of a thin white line & the screen would just turn blank...the audio was still on though! I could then just switch off & on again to regain the display. However, last week it just didn't work like that anymore...I had to keep the TV off for some time before I could get it working again and even then the display did not last long. For awhile, me thought the time was up for this ole faithful...can't really remember but it is at least MORE than 10 years old!!

Well, me thought me should give the "ole gal" one last fighting chance to live on. So me called our local Philips service agent & based on my description, the technician affirmed that my TV could be saved...a simple matter of replacing a coil...."less than RM200...for a genuine part replacement", he said.

That was on last Weds. And yesterday, Sun 29th, me called for TV was carted away & believe me or came back in less than 2 hours...including transportation time!! Phew! Now that was SERVICE!! Real fast & efficient, too! The Bill? Only RM155...

Have you guys ever experienced such wonderful service? I had NEVER...ever!!

TQ...TQ...Mr C & Raj!!

My ole faithful...

Looks like it's not time for us to part company....yet!

Going back a few days, 1 of my nephews celebrated his Bday...down under. He's presently a medical degree undergrad there. A kinda belated wish here...Happy Birthday, CB!! ( I did send an sms on the actual day though) Sincerely hope you had a great day with friends!! Like the words in 1 of my fav songs....Be Happy Don't Worry...

Before I end today's entry, something happened recently as did many other such incidents all over the country & world at large. And all because of 1 of the so-called "7 Deadly Sins"!!

Yup, GREED. Man's greed...a so-called short cut to riches? To me, there is NO such short cut. All my life, everything I have & owned, has been acquired thru plain hard work & sweat! And everything I could enjoy, I enjoyed with complete peace of mind and pure satisfaction!

But there will always be ppl who, somehow, feel that there is a quick, short & easy way to get large sums of $$ FAST! Of course, there have been past cases of those (an insignificant few) who were lucky enough to succeed a first time. But if they repeated their acts, they also finally got burnt! We used to hear of drug smugglers who became millionaires in the old days but now what do we hear? Drug couriers, very young ones...even graduates & girls, being caught & sentenced to death!

I remember very clearly the motto of 1 of my former schools...

"Susah Dahulu Senang Kemudian"

It means that if one endures the hardship one faces & works hard at it, one would finally enjoy the sweet fruits of one's labour.

Well, do pls think about the consequences of your actions b4 you do anything out of greed...esp if you do have a family to be responsible for. Nothing comes free or cheap or easy...there's always a price to pay! Let's not talk about crimes that come with the death sentence. Even losing huge sums of hard-earned (worse if it's non-existent) money or going to prison, would be enough to cause untold anxiety & hardship to one's family...

And do pls listen to those around you who love you...Love is a mutual 2-way respect of each other and caring... not just a word to say but not mean...

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