A kinda philosophical entry today...
I remember clearly those words spoken during an advert in Astro, our satellite TV provider...shown quite some time ago. " No petrol...how to move? " But somehow, till today, it still rings true. Still as significant as it was years ago. Literally & figuratively, too!
Literally, our bikes, cars & what have you, just won't be able to move without our regular visits to the numerous Service Stations we have in our neighbourhood. Once the tank is dry, the vehicle just stops. And with all the current hoo-ha abt world oil prices climbing, feel it won't be long b4 many tanks would be forced to run dry. But as it is & in keeping with the Govt's "promise" at the last fuel price increase, one can relax till 2008. Time to prepare!! Just wonder how great the increase would be. Gas prices would be up soon tho if press reports are what they are...tales of things to come.
Figuratively? Well, it's the main "fuel" that keeps everyone going. In fact the whole world goes on because of it. What else but simple ole Vitamin M... Money ! Also frequently referred to as "the root of all evil." Frankly, it should be nicknamed "the essence of human survival."
The economy of the world...in fact, every living human being, survives because of Money! Right down to each individual family unit. One of the main, if not the basic cause, of human conflicts. Between countries. Between members of the same family. Unbelievable? Believe it! Yup, it's that bad.
Even for me now, at this point in my life, I'm still finding it almost an impossibility not to see & feel that nagging importance of Money & its effects.
In my younger days, I was one who believed firmly that money should never be the main focus of our daily lives. As the years passed by, and a little bit wiser now, I've been educated & enlightened. Money should still NOT be the main focus of our lives but it plays one very HUGE role in our lives. Have you heard of the saying " No Money No Love? " If you can't provide what your fmly needs, how can you say you love yr fmly? There is NO way that they can live on just love. With no food on the table. Without the necessities in life. When you cannot satisfy their needs?
How can you say you love someone when you are unable to provide for the care he/she needs? Eg the medical care when he/she is suffering & you cannot afford to provide for the treatment to ease the suffering. To stand there and watch in silence the pain & agony in the face of the one you proclaimed so vehemently that you love so much? But incapable of doing anything?
Yes. Money should still NOT be the main focus. Not the one & only. However, it forms a very important & integral part of life's packaging. To enable one to be whole. To be one who not only has love in his heart but to be able to show it. To make that love complete. Not just in heart & soul but in actions when the need arises. To go that extra mile. I've seen families of relatives who practically show they've given up on the one whom they proclaim they loved so much. All because they do not have the MONEY to care anymore!
These words still ring in my ears... " You say you love her but you are not going to give the Money that can help save her life. You are willing to just let her die!" And, as God is my witness, I really didn't have the Money to give...only my love...my willingness to care for her...in my own simple way..." Not in cash but in kind. But that just wasn't enough. In everyone's eyes. Even the person herself! A lesson learnt...the hard way.
Btw, there have been articles written of the minimum savings one must have to continue to live a reasonably comfortable life after retirement. To continue living the way as one did before. RM750k ? As in one article I read. Now, that is impossible for most ppl. Not even practical. Most had just their EPF contributions to rely on after they retire...actually what is left after whatever withdrawals they might have made earlier. Whatever they've got would dwindle & be gone in their first few years of retirement...
A recent survey showed 65% of retirees depended upon support by their children. How degrading it is for parents, who have struggled all their lives to bring up their kids till they are successful in life, to await their children's "contributions". Given willingly & happily, such contributions would be appreciated. But are they so in most cases? And, that is, if those expected contributions do materialise at all. Delays - intentional or otherwise, skipped/forgotten contributions. All too common scenarios. Reasons are aplenty. Did their parents do all that when they raised & cared for them then? Or did they find ways & means to provide the best they could within their means? If they did not, my sincere apologies...yr case is a rarity.
Like a common quotation voiced by many elderly parents...esp those with many children. "Parents can take care of all their children...no matter the number they have. But it's nigh impossible to expect their children (so many of them) to take care of just 2 of them. Even 1 of them. "
I have witnessed so many families, even relatives, go through such painful times. Heard their tales of sorrow, neglect, heartaches. Not forgetting the harsh words & treatment they got from their "successful" children, etc., etc. Words uttered that their children would never use on their own children but could say them so fluently to their parents. Treatment worse than that which they would ever mete out to their own children. Sad. Pitiful. But true.
My other half really opened my eyes when she reminded me of a quote she was once told, " The water in a river ALWAYS flows downstream! Never the other way around... " So true these days. It's a common sight to see mothers holding the tiny hands of their children. Helping them cross the road. Going to board their school buses.
Now how often have you seen these later grown-up children holding the hands of their aged mothers. Helping them cross the road. Mostly one would see the young couples walking ahead of their parents. These old folks had no choice but to trail behind. Ever so often being reminded, " Why are you walking so slowly...? "
Thank God I was a civil servant. And thus I have my pension to lean on. Not much tho but enuf to keep me going. No luxuries. No grand holidays. But I won't starve. Not need to beg. I will still have a shirt on my back & food on the table. With some budgeting, maybe even pamper myself once in a while...hehe...
Can't help wondering where, what or how my life would be if otherwise....I do Thank God for being kind to me...at least till now.
When the time comes when I cannot take care of myself, I leave my fate in God's hands. Of course, as what everyone prays for, I too, hope & pray that day will never come. That I would go b4 I am no longer capable & independent...preferably the first to go. The lucky one.
The Year That Was
Dear everyone,
I know, I know, I've been very bad. Haven't posted anything since August.
But life has been ridiculously busy with so many different projec...
12 years ago
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