Mon 111010
Yup, it's after 10.10.10's 11.10.10 already...
And yup, it was a quiet & peaceful wish come true in my life these days! This ole heart isn't built for any more of those heartaches & stresses of younger days...
Anyway, the previous weekend was another wish coming 2010 birthday wish!
What was that wish? To make my other half happy...
And it was doing for her what would make her happy, namely to spend time with our grandchildren...just like what me did for her many years back.
Well, first stop planned was in Taiping on Fri 8th Oct with an overnight stay to Sat 9th Oct. We arrrived in time for dinner with KL & family. And guess what? KL was all smiles & happy to see & have her grandmother around...and those smiles practically lasted our whole stay!! A very rare sight to behold on a child's face...all lit up throughout the evening & the next day! Not forgetting the shrieks of delight & happiness in the air...
It was really, really worth my efforts making that special trip!! I certainly wished that my body was not what it is today....because making that trip was no easy task!
My only regret for that weekend was that part 2 of what was planned for that weekend did NOT materialise!
Yup, it was supposed to be a visit (Sat 9th Oct - Sun 10th Oct) to our other grandchildren in Penang. To cut a long story short, it kinda fizzled out because it was supposedly NOT the "right" time to visit. A few reasons were given...easily rebuttable though. It's not like we have been visiting or staying in their place so's like the FIRST time in about FOUR years!! And even so, I was the one "offering" to visit & stay...sad but true.
Well, what can I say? Normally, when one's kids grow up, marry & start their own families, their families, in reality, are extensions of the original family...growing larger. Alas, it is not so, unfortunately & sadly in my case which has seen not the gain of new families but losses!
Karma? Fate? Destiny? Call it whatever. Same difference. Life as just has to accept and move on. I've learnt that in Life, especially when one grows old, one only gets hurt if one does not go with the "flow"....the ole "fighting cock" has to die or will be killed...literally!
Frankly, one cannot ever hope nor wish for what is not in the heart...and yup, the word "family" has different meanings to different ppl. Moreover, as ppl often quoted... "Times change...People change..."
Life as is...
ps. For a change & as part of my "giving" happiness theme, this Bday me gave my other half a special specs c/w progressive lenses of the "modern tech" kind, namely Essilor Physio lenses! Total cost? RM1790...with a true full Titanium frame and a "cover-up" design Polaroid sunglasses! Her smile & happiness were like the whole world to me...if only I could do more for her...
I truly & sincerely thank God for opening my Life As Is...
The Year That Was
Dear everyone,
I know, I know, I've been very bad. Haven't posted anything since August.
But life has been ridiculously busy with so many different projec...
12 years ago
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