Tues 16 Sept 08
Wishing ALL true Malaysians a Happy Malaysia Day! Yup, today is the official Bday of our country, Malaysia...
May there be Peace, Goodwill & Prosperity in this young nation of ours...an uncertainty now with all the political turmoil happening from day to day in these recent times...our future depends on what's gonna happen next! The latest episode being the ISA arrests & the dignified & responsible reaction from our de facto Law Minister, compared to the lame excuses by the Home Minister.
For more down-to-earth news (your decision, of course!) of the political scene, you can try accessing http://www.malaysiakini.com/
Well, let's push these looming clouds of myopic politicians heading to a probable disaster ( Man-made ones, as a matter of fact!) into the background.
And... join hands together for a better Malaysia...better than the superficial peace, tolerance & harmony that has been the norm in its 51 years of Independence. We are all God's creations, no matter what colour of skin or background. 1 Life is all we are given. And Life is only temporary...
Yup, we have but only 1 Life. Go to any hospital. Ask those who are sick. What is their one wish? To get well. To be able to continue to live. Nothing else matters.
It's only those who are young, strong & healthy (at the moment!) who forget that fact of Life. That to be able to see the start of another new day is a Miracle of Life itself!
Enough philosophical thoughts for now.
For good news, our niece, YL, who underwent an ops recently, is finally home. Discharged. A folow-up is scheduled for 18th Sept. Happy for you, YL!!
On the home front & with various factors in play, it was time to make amendments to our Astro (satellite TV) subscribed package. Our latest package was a simple one. A main group, Dynasty, plus 2 mini packages namely, News & Learning.
We subscribed to the Learning package cos at that time one channel abt home, health & children, was included. However, that channel (altho a Discovery channel, too) was later removed & put into another package. Only Astro knows why. As a result, that channel is now hardly accessed.
With the very special 1st time Night Race for F1 GP in Singapore and, the preparations & inconveniences me had to undergo each time an F1 GP race is on, subscribing to the Sports package was inviting!
And, my other half's Taiwan Hokkien serial is coming to an end soon. So, the Hua Hee Dai (HHD) channel, with its numerous Hokkien serials & whatever, is another attraction.
A final list came to one with Dynasty, Sports & News mini packages plus the Gold Package which includes the HHD channel. Total subs? RM107.90 instead of the previous RM89.95. Just RM17.95 more per mth. Worth it? A matter of opinion...hehe...
Considering our "Enjoy the Moment" philosophy? Of course it is...worth every sen of it!! Ha ha!!
Moreover, I could now remove the long, long cables connecting my PC upstairs to our TV in the lounge. A sight for sore eyes! A possible danger & risk item, too. Not forgetting the much lower quality of images that me had to endure while watching the F1 GP races via streaming online.
A word of advice here. If anyone of you intends to make such subscription changes in your Astro packages, do use the Customer Helpline at its 1-300 number. Don't think that by doing so online via its website, would ever be faster! You'd be so DEAD wrong!!
Yup, me learnt that the hard way! And yup, me tried submitting my upgrade changes online. Called the Cust Helpline abt 1 & 1/2 hrs later after the online form submission. No one had received my online request at all!! I was told that it would take at least 24 to 48 hrs by the online method.
So, me requested for the changes there & then on phone. Changes were effective after less than 30 mins!! See? Phew...
Btw our new LG TV has been serving us well in the dining area. Nothing to complain about. the 7-day 1 for 1 replacement warranty has passed. Now, meal-time is so informative & entertaining even. Didn't realise what we'd missed before the change until after the replacement!
Feel Chinese sayings are from generations of experience. Yup, I now truly believe in the "Beh Chak Kee" quote.
So, do Enjoy the Moment, won't you?
The Year That Was
Dear everyone,
I know, I know, I've been very bad. Haven't posted anything since August.
But life has been ridiculously busy with so many different projec...
12 years ago
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