Monday, May 30, 2011

New accessories...

Monday 300511

Yup, new accessories have been added to our PS 1.3FL Exec Auto!

And yup, both were kinda "forced" by need than want...

Acc #1 : Twin New Horns by Bosch @ RM75 including installation.

Yup, these sounded so much like horns as they should sound!! The original single horn was more like a mouse squeak...would not even frighten a mouse! As the car alarm works through the car horn, we now have an extremely ear-blasting car alarm should it sound!! And yup, me accidentally (tested?) triggered it earlier and it even shook me up!

Acc #2 : Reverse ( actually now acting as Front ) Sensors installed to the Front Bumper to act as Front Sensors activated by a manual switch.

Yup, me had previously dented my ole ride while attempting to park into a parking lot in a crowded Mall basement carpark.
Now with this new ride, me not wanna make the same mistake again. And so it was felt that the cost of installing front sensors on the front bumper would be a good idea.

Well, it was done today, too! Cost? RM150 for a 2-sensor system c/w an LED & colour bar display besides the normal buzzer warning system. What can I say? It works!!

However, the real test would be when I do really use it when parking. Soon...real soon...hehe...

Well, that was my "adventure" today. Busy...busy...busy...

ps. Will post pics in a future post as it's now too dark to snap any. Me was too busy doing some clearing up and water-proofing of the reverse sensor module since it would now be exposed to the elements esp water, being installed in the engine compartment instead of its normal place in the luggage boot.

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