Thursday, May 15, 2008

My new "Sundry shop"...

Thurs 15th May 2008

Yup, we now have a new & bigger "Sundry shop"...

"Sundry shop" #1 was TSB Superstore...then along came #2 - Billion...and until recently, it was #3 - AS Mall.

Now wef today 150508, our focus is now drawn to "Sundry Shop" #4, namely TESCO Mergong!! Yup, the long-awaited (best?) shopping centre is now finally open. Our plan was to just take a slow drive, roughly 3+ km from Lot 10. And if...only if...a parking lot was available, it was supposedly to remain just a drive...My! What a crowd! Thought it had to end as just a mere drive...

However, Lady Luck was smiling down upon us...we found lots of parking bays...bays not for the ordinary ppl but ppl with kids/babies! And so, taking advantage of the crowd situation, we just confidently took up 1 of those bays - as if we had a baby in tow...right in front of the main entrance! Ha ha!

Well, a few pics to share what our new "Sundry Shop" looks like...

These are pics of what we saw on our way out...hehe...
And these are the "internals" of Tesco Mergong...A few more to whet your "appetite" for more views...the Escalator area...& the Food Court...What do you think? Looks like our "Sundry Shop" has really grown...hehe...much more to window-shop...

Both spent almost 4 hrs this first visit! Including lunch 4two (RM24.15 incl govt tax) at the Noodle Station.

Well, guess Alor Star is no longer a sleepy hollow now...but am wondering how the other Malls are gonna keep up with this new Tesco branch...only time will tell...

Happy shopping, everyone!

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