Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Now which can be true?

Tue 170810

Yup, which can be true? "The Death Clock" or "The Life Clock"?

And yup, in my previous entry, I found the website for "The Death Clock" and Oh no! I was expected to die on 19 October 2011 ie with only one more year to go!!

And now, I've found another website for just the opposite ie "The Life Clock..."

Btw, I've also found another death-predicting site...quite a number of them, actually...

And these are the results :

1. At another so-called "Death Clock" website " http://www.medindia.net/ ", it tells me that .... "Your Probable year of Demise is... 2015"

2. At the website of a "Life Clock" ie " http://www.bellaonline.com/", I am told... "Given your current habits, you are likely to die on: 4/19/2026
That is in:16 Years188 Months5724 Days137367 Hours8242004 Minutes494520207 Seconds
You will be 81 Years Old."

Now...which can be true?

Am I gonna leave this world in 2011...2015...or 2026?

I really don't know...am just hoping that it's the last one though...me more interested in the life than the death part...haha!

May we all have a long, healthy & happy life! That would be ideal, right?

Anyway, as most believe, our lives are in the hands of He who is upstairs...

May God bless us all...Amen.

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