Thursday, October 25, 2007

Now, if this gets stolen....

Remember my earlier post abt our metal drain cover in our driveway being stolen? Yup, a re-ordered replacement finally came this morning (25th Oct)! Order finalised on last cost including fitting came to Rm150.

The replacement grating consists of a 2-inch angled-iron/steel frame c/w a hinged piece with bars. This time around, it is held in place by 14 expansion nails! Now if that does not deter theft, there is no more hope...maybe except to fill up that hole with concrete!!

The new drain cover...

The unfortunate part is (as expected of workers these days) that, in the process of drilling the holes & hammering in the expansion nails, 4 of the surrounding tiles were cracked!! And poor ole me had to "mend" the used epoxy resin to fill them up. Sincerely hope that will last...

Frankly me dunno whether to attribute such occurences to our so-nicknamed "Tan family luck" or what. "What is that?", you may wonder. To cut a long story short, it is that each & everytime me do or buy something new, the event never ends without any problems or inconveniences. Something somehow will go wrong...somewhere...

Now, does that happen to everybody else? Or is it only in the Tan family...? You tell me.

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